
Modified ago
@use 'sass:list' $blue: #a9c0ff $light-blue: #dae4ff $black: #2e364d $semi-blue: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3) .old-title font-family: Gabriela font-size: 4em margin: 0.4em text-align: center .old-title_small font-size: 2em text-align: left .old-icon path fill: #a5beff stroke: #8292C2 // Fancy Corners .old-corner height: 30vh position: absolute .old-corner_lt left: 0 top: 0 .old-corner_rt right: 0 top: 0 transform: rotateY(180deg) .old-corner_lb bottom: 0 left: 0 transform: rotateX(180deg) .old-corner_rb bottom: 0 right: 0 transform: rotateX(180deg) rotateY(180deg) // Welcome letters .old-welcome align-items: baseline bottom: 94% box-sizing: border-box display: flex justify-content: center padding: 0 10% position: absolute width: 100% .old-letter__char animation: wobble 1000 linear height: 15vh padding: 0 10px // opacity: 0 .old-letter margin: 0 &:first-child .old-letter__char height: 40vh margin-right: -8vh &:nth-child(3) .old-letter__char height: 22vh // Marquees .marquees height: 100% overflow: hidden position: relative width: 100% .marquee animation-play-state: paused font-size: 15vh line-height: 0 pointer-events: none position: absolute @for $i from 1 through 5 &:nth-child(#{$i}) top: 7.5% + (20) * ($i - 1) .marquee_left animation: marquee-left 0.5s infinite linear left: -100% transform: translateX(100vw) .marquee_right animation: marquee-right 0.5s infinite linear left: -2em transform: translateX(0) @keyframes marquee-left 0% transform: translateX(-1.06em) 100% transform: translateX(0) @keyframes marquee-right 0% transform: translateX(1.06em) 100% transform: translateX(0) @keyframes title-rotate 0% transform: rotateZ(0) 100% transform: rotateZ(360deg) // Anchors .anchors height: 14vh left: 0 position: absolute top: 0 transform: translateY(0) transition: 1s width: 100% z-index: 3 .anchors_hidden transform: translateY(100vh) .anchors_stored .anchor transition: 1s 1s transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-18vh) .anchors__tooltip background-color: $semi-blue border: solid 3px #8292C2 border-radius: 50px font-size: 6vh height: 15vh line-height: 2.3 opacity: 0 pointer-events: none position: absolute top: 20vh text-align: center transition: opacity 0.3s width: 30vh z-index: 10 .anchors__tooltip_small background: none border: none font-size: 4vh height: 14vh line-height: 1 top: 3vh width: 14vh .anchor cursor: pointer height: 32vh max-height: none position: absolute transition: 1s .anchor_bottom top: 67vh .anchor_middle top: 37vh .anchor_top top: 7vh .anchor_left-1 left: 0 .anchor_left-2 left: 10vw .anchor_left-3 left: 20vw .anchor_right-1 left: 63vw .anchor_right-2 left: 73vw .anchor_right-3 left: 83vw .anchor_main display: block height: 92vh left: 50vw min-height: 18vh pointer-events: none top: 7vh transform: translateX(-50%) .anchor_small height: 14vh pointer-events: all top: 0 transform: translateX(-50%) @for $i from 1 to 8 &:nth-child(#{$i}) left: 50vw + (-14vw * (3 - ($i - 1))) .old-status__text a color: inherit font-weight: 600 text-decoration: none white-space: nowrap // Status .old-status margin: 3em 0 .old-status__text margin: 0.5em 0 .old-status__date, .old-status__byebye margin: 0.5em 0 text-align: right // Abouts .old-about__page margin-top: -4vh height: 80% opacity: 0 pointer-events: none position: absolute transition: 1s width: 100% .old-about__page_active pointer-events: all opacity: 1 .old-about__table height: 80% text-align: center width: 100% .old-about__image bottom: 0 position: absolute right: 0 transform: rotateY(180deg) width: 100% .old-about-us__image bottom: 0 left: 0 max-height: 100% position: absolute transform: rotateY(180deg) // Songs .old-songs height: 60vh left: 5% position: absolute width: 90vw .old-songs__page display: flex height: 100% flex-wrap: wrap justify-content: center position: absolute width: 100% .old-songs__page_active .old-song transform: scale(1) transition: 1s 1s .old-songs__visualizer left: 0 position: absolute top: 0 .old-song height: 20vh position: relative transition: 1s 0s transform: scale(0) transform-origin: center width: 20vh z-index: 2 &:hover .old-song__info height: 100% width: 100% .old-song_title opacity: 1 .old-song__player height: 14vh left: 50% position: absolute top: 50% transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%) width: 14vh .old-song__info background-color: $semi-blue border: solid 3px #8292C2 border-radius: 50% bottom: 0 height: 70% left: 0 margin: auto overflow: hidden position: absolute right: 0 top: 0 transition: height 1s, width 1s width: 70% .old-song_title animation: title-rotate 8s infinite linear font-weight: 400 height: 140% left: -20% opacity: 0 margin: 0 pointer-events: none position: absolute top: -20% transition: opacity 1s user-select: none width: 140% span height: 100% left: 50% position: absolute .play-button_old border: none height: 100% transform: translate3d(-50%,50%,0) rotate(0) width: 100% .old-songs__link, .old-about__link cursor: pointer position: absolute z-index: 1 .old-songs__link top: 100% .old-about__link bottom: 0 .old-songs__link_hidden, .old-about__link_hidden display: none .old-songs__link_dir_left, .old-about__link_dir_left left: 2vw .old-songs__link_dir_right, .old-about__link_dir_right right: 2vw .old-bgms left: 0 display: flex height: 5vh justify-content: center position: absolute top: 100% width: 100% .old-bgms__bgm background-color: $semi-blue border: 2px solid #8292C2 border-radius: 2vh cursor: pointer font-size: 0.7em height: 100% margin: 0 0.5em padding: 0.75vh text-align: center transform: translateY(0) transition: 0.3s width: 10% &:hover transform: translateY(-10px) // Gallery .old-board display: block height: 90% margin: 0 auto perspective: 1000px position: relative top: 5% transform-style: preserve-3d transform: rotateY(0deg) width: 140vh * 0.9 z-index: 10 .old-board__board, .old-board__text height: 100% pointer-events: none position: absolute .old-board__img height: 100% .old-board__text transform: translateZ(20px) // TODO: Improve all of this // Format: left, top, width, height, translateZ, portrait, tape1, tape2, tape3, tape4 $coords: (32 22 4 7 40 false 1.2 -1 -1 -1 -1) (26 27 6 11 50 false 1.6 -1 -1 -1 -1) (76 25 21 34 50 true 4 -1 -1 -1 -1) (63 22 16 14 70 true 4 -1 -1 -1 -1) (78 0 21 19 60 false 4 -1 -1 -1 -1) (14 2 23 17 60 true 4 -1 -1 -1 -1) (82 68 11 23 80 false 4 -1 -1 -1 -1) (0 67 12 17 40 false 4 -1 -1 -1 -1) (34 40 16 17 60 false 4 -1 -1 -1 -1) (14 42 25 25 80 false 4 -1 -1 -1 -1) (39 54 33 44 100 false 4 -1 -1 -1 -1) .old-board__layer border: 4px solid #000 overflow: hidden position: absolute &:hover .old-board__link opacity: 1 .old-board__img left: 50% position: absolute top: 50% transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0) @for $i from 1 through 11 $coord: list.nth($coords, $i) $width: list.nth($coord, 3) $height: list.nth($coord, 4) &:nth-child(#{$i + 2}) height: $height + 0% left: list.nth($coord, 1) + 0% top: list.nth($coord, 2) + 0% width: $width + 0% transform: translateZ(list.nth($coord, 5) + 0px) .old-board__img @if list.nth($coord, 6) width: 100% @else height: 100% .old-board__link font-size: list.nth($coord, 7) + 0vh .old-board__link align-items: center background: #000c cursor: pointer display: flex height: 100% justify-content: center opacity: 0 position: absolute transition: 0.5s width: 100% .old-gallery__screen align-items: center background: url('/public/images/site/old/gallery_background.png') box-sizing: border-box display: flex justify-content: center left: 0 height: 100vh padding-bottom: 15vh position: absolute top: 100vh transition: transform 1s 1s, top 0s 2s width: 100vw z-index: 1000 .old-gallery__screen_active top: -100vh transition: transform 1s 0s transform: translateY(100%) .old-gallery__list background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) left: 0 height: 15vh position: absolute top: 100vh transition: 1s 0s width: 100vw z-index: 1001 .old-gallery__list_active transition: 1s 1s transform: translateY(-100%) .old-gallery__slider height: 100% .old-gallery__image max-height: 100% max-width: 100% .old-gallery__frame width: initial &:not(:first-child) margin-left: -125px .old-gallery__thumb height: 100% pointer-events: none .old-gallery__link cursor: pointer font-size: 4vh left: 1em position: absolute top: 1em z-index: 1 // Comments .old-form padding: 1em width: 50% .old-form__label font-size: 0.75em .old-form__input background-color: $semi-blue border-radius: 1vh color: #8292C2 outline: none &::placeholder opacity: 0.5 color: #8292C2 .old-form__input_single margin: 0.1vh padding: 0.2vh 0.8vh border: 1px solid #8292C2 font-size: 2vh .old-form__input_multi display: block width: 100% height: 20vh margin: 0.1vh padding: 1vh border: 1px solid #8292C2 max-height: 70vh max-width: 50vw max-height: 65vh .old-form__controls font-size: 0.75em .old-form__submit align-items: center cursor: pointer display: flex float: right &:hover .old-form__path fill: #f00 .old-form__path_ok fill: #0f0 .old-form__icon height: 1em margin-left: 0.2em .old-form__path transition: fill 0.3s .old-form__reply background-color: $semi-blue border: 1px solid #8292C2 border-radius: 1vh cursor: pointer float: left padding: 2px padding-right: 4vh position: relative transition: 1s transform: scale(0) &::after content: 'X' color: #8292C2 position: absolute right: 4px .old-form__reply_active transform: scale(1) .old-comments height: 100vh padding: 16vh 0 1em .old-comments__thread .old-comments__thread padding-left: 1em .old-comment background-color: $semi-blue border: 0.4vh solid #8292C2 border-radius: 1vh margin-bottom: 1em padding: 2% position: relative div font-size: 0.5em position: absolute .old-comment__name left: 0 top: -0.75em .old-comment__date right: 0 top: -0.75em .old-comment__reply bottom: -0.75em left: 0 .old-comment__id bottom: -0.75em right: 0 /* * OVERWRITES */ .body_page_old background-image: url('/public/images/site/old/noise.png') color: #dae4ff font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica,Arial, sans-serif font-weight: 400 text-shadow: 0 0 1px $black -webkit-text-stroke: initial .content .slider__wrapper font-size: 4vh // TODO: Remove the need for this * box-sizing: border-box // Menu .menu_old background-image: url('/public/images/site/old/noise.png') border-color: #8292C2 color: #dae4ff .slider background-color: $semi-blue .menu__button_old background-color: $semi-blue border: 8px solid #8292C2 border-left-color: #c7d5ff border-top-color: #c7d5ff .hamburger_old &, &:before, &:after background-color: #8292C2 // Play button .play-button_main_old border-color: transparent #8292C2 transparent #8292C2 // Scroller .scroller.scroller_old .scroller__wrapper box-sizing: content-box .scrollbar_old background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1) width: 7px .scrollbar__handle_old background-color: #c3d4ff border: 2px solid #8292C2 border-radius: 50px // Contained // Need to hammer this in because this page was not created for the new layout .body_old_contained .marquee font-size: 50px .anchors height: 100% .anchor height: 32% .anchor_bottom top: 67% .anchor_middle top: 37% .anchor_top top: 7% .anchor_left-2 left: 10% .anchor_left-3 left: 20% .anchor_right-1 left: 63% .anchor_right-2 left: 73% .anchor_right-3 left: 83% .anchor_main height: 92% left: 50% top: 7%