
Modified ago
import anime from 'animejs/lib/' import { interpolate, separate } from "flubber" import Music from '../music' import {$id, $class, $query, $create, ajax, analyzeAudio} from '../utils' class Old marquees: undefined anchorWrapper: undefined anchors: undefined anchorsTooltip: undefined # Gallery screen screen: undefined # Reply to indicator replyButton: undefined # Comment form form: undefined sections: [ 'Status' 'About Us' 'About' 'Home' 'Music' 'Gallery' 'Comments' ] # Fast Fourier Transform size fft: 16 # Music class for visualization player: undefined # Default frequency array frequencyArray: Array.from Array(16), -> 0 # Currently playing element playing: undefined # Music visualizer canvas canvas: undefined ctx: undefined interpolator = separate 'M12,9l12,7l-12,7V9z', ['M10,10h4v12h-4V10z', 'M18,10h4v12h-4V10z'], { single: true } interpolatorX = interpolate 'm30.76 25.49c-1.5812 1.5681-3.101 2.9516-4.5596 4.5197-0.60059 0.64567-0.91928 0.4612-1.4586 0-2.6965-2.7672-5.4789-5.5343-8.1754-8.3015-0.57608-0.55343-0.89476-0.55343-1.4341 0-2.672 2.7672-5.4299 5.4421-8.0896 8.2092-0.72316 0.73791-1.1154 0.64567-1.7773-0.092241-1.0909-1.1991-2.2063-2.306-3.4442-3.4128-0.89476-0.73791-0.66188-1.1991 0.061285-1.937 2.672-2.5827 5.2583-5.2576 7.9548-7.8403 0.66188-0.64567 0.68639-1.0146 0.02451-1.6603-2.672-2.5827-5.2583-5.2576-7.9548-7.8403-0.85799-0.83015-0.74768-1.2913 0.061285-2.0293 1.1522-1.0146 2.243-2.0293 3.2481-3.2284 0.68639-0.75636 1.1154-0.90394 1.9489-0.092239 2.5862 2.7672 5.2828 5.3498 7.869 8.0248 0.66188 0.64567 1.0051 0.64567 1.667 0 2.5862-2.6749 5.3073-5.2576 7.869-8.0248 0.80896-0.8117 1.2625-0.70101 1.9856 0.092239 1.0909 1.1991 2.243 2.3982 3.4442 3.4128 0.74768 0.73791 0.57608 1.1069-0.06129 1.7525-2.6965 2.5827-5.3441 5.2576-8.0406 7.9325-0.66188 0.64567-0.72316 1.0146-0.02451 1.6603z', 'M 26.354091,4.1273218 11.905265,18.588593 5.6453529,12.328679 1.0033099,16.970721 11.905265,27.872678 30.996134,8.7693646 Z' constructor: (@container, sliders, paused = true) -> @marquees = $class 'marquee' # Only do these if on actual page if sliders @anchorWrapper = $id 'anchors' @anchors = $class 'anchor' @screen = $id 'gallery-screen' @replyButton = $id 'replying-to' @anchorsTooltip = $id 'tooltip' @canvas = $id 'old-visualizer' @ctx = @canvas.getContext '2d' @form = $id 'comment-form' do @resizeCanvas do sliders.verticalSlider.keyboard.disable do sliders.verticalSlider.mousewheel.disable setTimeout -> sliders.verticalSlider.slideTo 1 return , 4000 anime( targets: '.old-letter' duration: 2000, delay: anime.stagger 200 easing: 'easeOutBounce' translateY: window.innerHeight / 2 ) anime( targets: '.old-letter img' direction: 'alternate' duration: 300 easing: 'linear' loop: true rotateZ: 2 ) @player = new Music @fft do @getStatus do @getComments self = @ do (self) -> window.addEventListener 'resize', -> do self.resizeCanvas # Make anchors got to slides for anchor, i in self.anchors index = i do (index) -> anchor.addEventListener 'click', -> sliders.horizontalSlider.slideTo index # TODO: Improve this anchor.addEventListener 'mouseenter', -> self.anchorsTooltip.innerHTML = self.sections[index] = 1 if anchor.classList.contains 'anchor_small' rect = do @getClientRects if index > Math.floor self.anchors.length / 2 = "#{window.innerWidth - rect[0].x}px" = "initial" else = "#{rect[0].x + rect[0].width}px" = "initial" else if index > Math.floor self.anchors.length / 2 = "65vw" else = "20vw" anchor.addEventListener 'mouseleave', -> = 0 # Change anchor styles according to the active slide sliders.verticalSlider.on 'slideChangeTransitionStart', -> if @activeIndex is 1 self.anchorWrapper.classList.remove 'anchors_hidden' sliders.horizontalSlider.on 'slideChangeTransitionStart', -> for anchor in self.anchors unless @activeIndex is 3 anchor.classList.add 'anchor_small' self.anchorsTooltip.classList.add 'anchors__tooltip_small' else self.anchorWrapper.classList.remove 'anchors_stored' anchor.classList.remove 'anchor_small' self.anchorsTooltip.classList.remove 'anchors__tooltip_small' self.anchorWrapper.addEventListener 'mouseenter', -> unless sliders.horizontalSlider.activeIndex is 3 @classList.remove 'anchors_stored' self.anchorWrapper.addEventListener 'mouseleave', -> unless sliders.horizontalSlider.activeIndex is 3 @classList.add 'anchors_stored' # Change about page aboutLess = $id 'about-less' aboutMore = $id 'about-more' aboutLess.addEventListener 'click', -> self.changePage 'old-about', -1 aboutMore.addEventListener 'click', -> self.changePage 'old-about', 1 # Listen for music changes self.player.player.addEventListener 'play', -> do self.startPlaying self.player.player.addEventListener 'pause', -> do self.pausePlaying # Change music page songsLess = $id 'songs-less' songsMore = $id 'songs-more' songsLess.addEventListener 'click', -> self.changePage 'old-songs', -1 songsMore.addEventListener 'click', -> self.changePage 'old-songs', 1 # Rotate board perspective board = $id 'board' $id('mousearea').addEventListener 'mousemove', (e) -> windowWidth = window.innerWidth windowHeight = window.innerHeight = "rotateX(#{-(e.pageY - window.innerHeight/2)/50}deg) rotateY(#{(e.pageX - window.innerWidth/2)/50}deg)" # Associate gallery links galleryLinks = $class 'old-board__layer' for link in galleryLinks link.addEventListener 'click', -> sliders.horizontalSlider.allowSlidePrev = false sliders.horizontalSlider.allowSlideNext = false do self.clearScreen cat = list = $id "gallery-#{cat}" list.classList.add 'old-gallery__list_active' self.screen.classList.add 'old-gallery__screen_active' for frame in list.getElementsByClassName 'old-gallery__frame' if cat is 'video' img = $create 'video' img.src = "{frame.dataset.src}" else img = new Image() img.src = "/public/images/galleries/thumbnails/#{frame.dataset.src.replace /\.\w+$/, '.jpg'}" img.className = 'old-gallery__thumb' frame.appendChild img frame.addEventListener 'click', -> do self.clearScreen if cat is 'video' img = $create 'video' img.src = "{@dataset.src}" img.autoplay = true img.controls = true else img = new Image() img.src = "/public/images/galleries/#{@dataset.src}" img.className = 'old-gallery__image' self.screen.appendChild img $id('gallery-back').addEventListener 'click', -> self.screen.classList.remove 'old-gallery__screen_active' $query('.old-gallery__list_active').classList.remove 'old-gallery__list_active' sliders.horizontalSlider.allowSlidePrev = true sliders.horizontalSlider.allowSlideNext = true videoLayer = $query '.old-board__layer[data-cat=video]' videoLayerVideo = videoLayer.querySelector('video') videoLayer.addEventListener 'mouseenter', -> do videoLayer.addEventListener 'mouseleave', -> do videoLayerVideo.pause $id('comment-text').addEventListener 'keyup', -> button = $query '.old-form__icon path' if @value.length button.classList.add 'old-form__path_ok' anime( targets: t: 0 t: 1 duration: 300 update: (anim) => button.setAttribute "d", interpolatorX anim.progress / 100 ) else button.classList.remove 'old-form__path_ok' anime( targets: t: 0 t: 1 duration: 300 update: (anim) => button.setAttribute "d", interpolatorX 1 - anim.progress / 100 ) $id('submit').addEventListener 'click', -> do self.postComment self.form.addEventListener 'submit', (e) -> do e.preventDefault do self.postComment do @createBars @animateMarquees paused resizeCanvas: => @canvas.width = window.innerWidth @canvas.height =window.innerHeight animateMarquees: (paused) => # unless @paused for marquee in @marquees = if @paused then 'paused' else 'running' if paused is true @paused = true requestAnimationFrame @animateMarquees return clearScreen: => if @screen.children.length > 1 do @screen.lastElementChild.remove startPlaying: => do @pausePlaying @playing = $query('.play-button_playing').parentElement.parentElement button = $query '.play-button_playing path' button.classList.add 'morphed' anime( targets: t: 0 t: 1 duration: 300 update: (anim) => button.setAttribute "d", interpolator anim.progress / 100 ) @interpolator pausePlaying: => if @playing = 'initial' @playing = undefined button = $query '.morphed' if button button.classList.remove 'morphed' anime( targets: t: 0 t: 1 duration: 300 update: (anim) => button.setAttribute "d", interpolator 1 - anim.progress / 100 ) createBars: => # Semi blue @ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)' # Clear canvas @ctx.clearRect 0, 0, @canvas.width, @canvas.height # Analyze audio if @player and isnt undefined @averageFrequency = analyzeAudio @player, @fft @frequencyArray = @player.dataArray if @playing = "scale(#{1 + @averageFrequency / 512})" for bar, i in @frequencyArray b = bar * 2 w = @canvas.width / 16 @ctx.fillRect w * i, @canvas.height - b, w, b requestAnimationFrame @createBars return changePage: (className, dir) => pages = Array.from $class "#{className}__page" i = pages.findIndex (p) => p.classList.contains "#{className}__page_active" cur = pages[i] next = pages[i + dir] cur.classList.remove "#{className}__page_active" next.classList.add "#{className}__page_active" prev = $query ".#{className}__link_dir_left" more = $query ".#{className}__link_dir_right" if i + dir is 0 prev.classList.add "#{className}__link_hidden" else prev.classList.remove "#{className}__link_hidden" if i + dir is pages.length - 1 more.classList.add "#{className}__link_hidden" else more.classList.remove "#{className}__link_hidden" getStatus: => ajax 'GET', '', null, (data) => status = $id 'status' posts = JSON.parse data for post in posts div = $create 'div' div.className = 'old-status' div.innerHTML = "<div class='old-status__date'>#{@timeToDate(}</div><div class='old-status__text'>#{post.text}</div><div class='old-status__byebye'>See you next time!</div>" status.appendChild div getComments: => ajax 'GET', '', null, (data) => comments = $id 'comments' posts = JSON.parse data for post in posts @createPost post createPost: (data) => comments = $id 'comments' thread = $create 'div' thread.className = 'old-comments__thread' = "thread-#{}" div = $create 'div' div.className = 'old-comment' div.innerHTML = "#{data.text}<div class='old-comment__name'>#{ || 'Anonymous'}</div><div class='old-comment__date'>#{@timeToDate(data.time)}</div><div class='old-comment__reply'>Reply</div><div class='old-comment__id'>##{}</div>" thread.appendChild div if data.reply is null comments.prepend thread else $id("thread-#{data.reply}").appendChild thread thread.querySelector('.old-comment__reply').addEventListener 'click', => @replyButton.innerHTML = "Replying to ##{}" = @replyButton.classList.add 'old-form__reply_active' postComment: => post = name: $id('comment-name').value text: $id('comment-text').value reply: $id('replying-to') or null last = 0 for id in $class 'old-comment__id' num = parseInt id.textContent.substring 1 if num > last last = num ajax 'POST', @form.action, JSON.stringify(post), (data) => @createPost id: last + 1 name: text: post.text reply: post.reply time: do new Date().getTime , (error) -> alert error.response timeToDate: (t) => date = new Date t "#{do date.getDate}/#{do date.getMonth + 1}/#{do date.getFullYear - 2000}" export default Old